• The Ultimate Guide to Managing Sugar Cravings during Menopause

    The Ultimate Guide to Managing Sugar Cravings during Menopause

      Many women notice that they experience sugar cravings in the menopause years.  They ask many questions about why it happens, they wonder if it is menopause that causes it and they want to know how to stop sugar cravings.  Is this you? Read on to learn more.   Does menopause cause sugar cravings?   There are many complex changes happening in the body during the perimenopause years, which are mainly driven by a variety of hormones, but we must not forget the lifestyle element that contributes to our experience.  A complex interplay of different hormonal changes combined with symptoms, sleep deprivation and increased stress levels can lead to sugar…

  • 5 essential reasons lifestyle is important for your menopause health
    Joyful Movement,  Menopause,  Nutrition,  Sleep,  Stress

    5 Essential Reasons Lifestyle is important for your Menopausal Health

      A healthy lifestyle is important across all stages of life, but when a woman reaches the menopause years, it couldn’t be more important to start making lifestyle changes.  This is the time when we begin to notice the impact that some of our choices have on our symptoms, and ultimately, how we feel.  It’s a vicious cycle, as some symptoms make it really difficult to make changes, but the changes need to be made to see a decrease in symptoms. Add to this the confusion commonly felt as all the physical and emotional symptoms seemingly happen all at once.  Most of the time, women don’t know where to begin. …

  • Managing weight gain in menopause

    Weight Management in Menopause: Why you need a new approach

    Aside from hot flushes and night sweats, weight gain in menopause has got to be the number one stress women experience.  I’ve had many clients who have told me that what they are doing to try to move the weight is not working, and they are at a loss as to how to approach the menopausal years.   Most are not happy with their changing body, but continuing to do what you’ve always done, aka, dieting and hitting the gym to burn those calories is not the approach to take at midlife.  Most of us in the menopause years were teenagers in the eighties and  nineties – the height of…

  • Mediterranean diet in menopause
    Menopause,  Nutrition

    7 Reasons to Eat a Mediterranean Diet in Menopause

    Hormonal changes in menopause, in particular the lowering of oestrogen, causes the many symptoms that are experienced in the perimenopause stage, and sometimes even in postmenopause. These include hot flushes, night sweats, aching joints and weight gain, and although the decline in oestrogen is one cause, what we are eating definitely plays a role also.  Eating a Mediterranean diet in menopause is the most studied and recommended eating pattern to include as part of a healthy lifestyle in menopause and beyond.  Implementing the Mediterranean diet in menopause will provide nourishment with good nutrition and wholesome fresh foods, which is exactly what our body needs in midlife.   How does the…

  • What to do instead of a New Year's resolution

    What to do instead of setting a New Year’s Resolution

    You have probably spent most of your adult life setting a new year’s resolution every year, only to be bummed out before the end of February and then forget all about the intentions you set because it all feels too hard.  Does this sound familiar to you?   There is no doubt in my mind that right now, as we are heading into a new year, you are thinking about what needs to change in your life, that you need to do some things better to feel healthier, lose weight or get fitter.  For some reason, we always tend to set a new year’s resolution around our health.  I’m not…

  • How to be your own health advocate in menopause

    Be Empowered and Confident to be your own Health Advocate in Menopause

    Too often, I read and hear stories of women feeling that they haven’t been heard by their doctor when it comes to menopause management.  It’s really disappointing that sometimes women leave the doctor with a medication they are not happy with, no information or support to guide them and sometimes even nothing. The problem is that not all doctors have special interests in women’s health or menopause, and really, to solve the problem for ourselves the way forward is to become our own health advocates and gain the knowledge we need to manage menopause.   But how can we become our own health advocates and know how to navigate it?…

  • spoons with powder and capsules with pink background

    Are there benefits of collagen in menopause?

    Collagen makes up thirty percent of the total protein in our body, and is the most abundant structural protein found in many tissues, including the tendons, ligaments, cartilage, blood vessels and skin.  In recent times, it has been popular to take collagen as a supplement, with many women praising the benefits of collagen in menopause, including improvements in skin, gut health, hair and nail growth and joint pain. This article looks at the evidence of the benefits of collagen in menopause, the role of collagen in the body and types of supplements available and whether there is a benefit in menopause. What is Collagen? Collagen is made up of three…

  • Photo of fibre rich foods

    Fibre – Why you need it in menopause

    Did you know that only 7% of the Australian population eat the recommended five serves of vegetables every day?  Fruits and vegetables are our main source of dietary fibre which are important especially in menopause, when we can start to experience digestive changes such as bloating, constipation and flatulence.  Dietary fibre is important for optimal bowel health, but it also has many other positive benefits on health and wellbeing in menopause.   What is Fibre?   Dietary fibre is a complex carbohydrate found in plants that are not able to be digested by humans, as we lack the digestive enzymes.  There are different types of dietary fibre – soluble, insoluble…

  • Metabolism and menopause

    What happens to our metabolism in menopause?

    What happens to our metabolism in menopause?  If you are like the majority of women, you will notice weight gain, lowered energy levels and maybe even an increase in cholesterol.  Metabolism is a very complex process in which the physiological changes in menopause has an impact on health and how we feel.  We are going to unpack some of the aspects of metabolism in menopause and how it impacts health.   What is metabolism?   Metabolism is derived from the greek word, metabolē, meaning “to change”. Metabolism is a series of chemical reactions that either breakdown or synthesise molecules (called catabolism and anabolism, respectively) with the end goal being that…

  • Goal Setting in menopause

    Goal setting in menopause to support your health and feel amazing

    For some women, menopause can bring tiredness, low energy, weight gain and with it comes low motivation to even begin thinking about understanding how to make changes to feel more energetic and alive. The very first step is seeing your health professional or GP to have an assessment to rule out other health issues related to your symptoms, and if all is okay, you can start to think about what you need to do to feel better.  Goal setting in menopause can be the basis to support your health and the foundation to achieving healthy habits that you can implement for the rest of your life and in the process,…

  • Making healthy habits stick

    Making healthy habits stick in the midst of new year’s resolutions

    The beginning of a new year is the perfect time to evaluate where you are at in your life with your health, fitness and wellbeing – it’s a time where we feel we can reset and start over…..but unfortunately, the majority of people who set new year’s resolutions, aren’t doing the thing they set out to do by the time February rolls around.  The key is to set healthy habits that focus on the positive, are sustainable to achieve, are something that you really want and you have the patience to achieve it. According to Psychology Today, only about 10% of new year’s resolutions are actually achieved.  One of the…

  • Alcohol, Menopause and Health

    Alcohol & Menopause – What you need to know to protect your health

    There is no better time to talk about drinking alcohol and the effects on health than in the menopause years.  Like some other areas of your life, you probably find that you can’t tolerate alcohol as well as you used to, or you may even feel unwell when drinking and have decided not to drink alcohol, or maybe you have noticed no difference at all.  As our body’s transition through the second puberty, alcohol not only affects us differently from when we were younger, but it is also associated with health risks that we should be aware of before we fill our glass one too many times. How alcohol affects…

  • Menopause hair loss

    Midlife hair crisis – Perimenopause and hair loss

    Among the various symptoms experienced during the menopausal years, one of the most distressing is hair loss in perimenopause and post menopause.  Some women notice a gradual hair loss, particularly more hair falling out than usual, and others may notice thinning hair, particularly a widening part and a visible scalp.  Hair loss and thinning hair can cause significant emotional and psychological stress for women affecting their self esteem and confidence. The most common type of hair loss in menopause in Female Pattern Hair Loss (FPHL) or Androgenic Alopecia.  Around 20-60% of women will experience hair loss before the age of 60 years, with the main cause being the change in…

  • menopause-brain-fog

    Menopause Brain Fog

      Are you feeling confused, unable to think clearly or find the right words that describe your thoughts?  You are not on your own, menopause brain fog or cognitive dysfunction, isn’t a medical condition in itself, but can be a symptom of many other conditions. For women, it most often occurs during pregnancy and the peri menopause years, and is one of the most reported and distressing symptoms along with hot flushes, insomnia, mood swings and anxiousness.   It is thought that the fluctuations of oestrogen and progesterone during peri menopause contribute to brain fog, and often women become worried that they have the early symptoms of dementia. Brain fog…

  • menopause and weight gain

    Weight gain and menopause – What is happening?

      So, what is actually happening when we hit the perimenopausal years and beyond, with our body shape and weight gain?  It is well reported that women experience weight gain in menopause and that it can be quite distressing while dealing with the other symptoms of menopause at the same time. Although our weight is complex and influenced by many factors, weight gain during menopause is influenced by more than diet and physical activity levels.   Studies have shown that weight gain at midlife of approximately 0.5kg per year is due to age rather than the hormonal changes during menopause. However, animal and human studies have shown that the decreasing oestrogen…

  • My Menopause Story

    My menopause story so far……

    I truly believe perimenopause started for me in my late thirties, mainly because I intermittently experienced hot flushes that I couldn’t control.   It was like being embarrassed, I could feel the heat rise from my chest to the top of my head. It only happened during the day every now and then, but not often enough to be concerned about it.   I had seen my GP and asked for a blood test to check my hormone levels on various occasions. She wouldn’t do it as our hormones fluctuate all the time and a blood test would only give a snapshot in time in hormone levels. Fair enough.  …

  • An introduction to Menopause for every midlife woman

    An Introduction to Menopause for every Midlife Woman

    Menopause is a natural process that signifies the end of a woman’s reproductive years. In this introduction to menopause, the 3 stages of menopause are described, each are named perimenopause, menopause and post menopause.    Perimenopause    Perimenopause is the period that leads up to menopause. The average age for the onset of perimenopause in Australia is 46 years. It can last anywhere from 7-10 years.   It is a time when the hormones, oestrogen and progesterone begin to fluctuate at different rates, resulting in irregular periods that may be heavier or lighter, along with other symptoms that can affect a woman’s overall health and wellbeing, including: hot flushes (most…